If you are visiting our church on a Sunday morning, please park wherever you like and come into the church building through either of the covered entrances. Anyone inside should be able to direct you to the auditorium, a Sunday school class, or the appropriate room(s) for our children’s programs. There is also a Welcome Center in the foyer outside of the auditorium if you have any questions.
Every Sunday morning we gather as a church family because of who God is and what He has done for us. We gather together to worship—through singing, prayer, and hearing God’s Word, the Bible. We would love for you to join us! If you do, here are some things you can expect:
Our church is made up of people from different cultures, backgrounds, and ages, but we are all united by our love for the Lord Jesus Christ and for each other. We welcome visitors, whether you are new to the area, looking for a church, or seeking answers to life’s most important questions. Please come as you are. Some people in our church get dressed up on Sunday mornings; others dress more casually.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God. Therefore, every sermon at our church focuses on explaining what the Bible teaches and how we ought to apply it to our daily lives. Sermons typically run about 45 minutes. You can listen to past sermons by visiting our Sermons page.
At Bethel, we love kids! We seek to do all we can to assist families in the godly care and instruction of their children. During the service, we offer a nursery for infants and a class for toddlers (two to three years old). Children ages four through Kindergarten spend the first part of the service in the auditorium and then are invited to Children’s Church. Please visit our Bethel Kids page for more information.
We worship God through a variety of music, from traditional hymns to contemporary praise songs. What unifies the variety of music styles is a commitment to lyrics that represent well the glory of God and His glorious grace toward us in Jesus. The truth of God is living and active, and it changes us. It sets our hearts on fire and transforms our lives. We can’t help but praise the One who is worthy of all our praise, and who has done so much for us!
Here are some other things to note:
- Please visit our Sunday Classes page for more information about our Sunday School classes.
- Childcare is available during the Worship Service for infants through children in Kindergarten.
- We celebrate the Lord’s Supper (or communion) together on the first Sunday of each month.
- We welcome those with disabilities. If you have any special needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us so we can serve you well.
- Feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions or concerns.