Bethel Student Ministry exists to come alongside parents, who are the primary disciplers of their students (Deuteronomy 6:4-9 & Psalm 78:1-8), in order to see the students:
- Turn from their sin and run to Jesus as their Savior
- Grow in their relationship with God
- Out of that relationship, invest their gifts in the context of the local church at Bethel
- Share the good news of the gospel
We know that we are not able to accomplish these things on our own, but trust that God can!
What does this look like week to week?
Partnership with Parents
Again, Bethel Student Ministry is committed to partnering with parents in the discipleship of their students. This is done by educating and collaborating with parents in the discipleship of their students through regular communication.
Sunday School
We meet each Sunday (September through June) from 9a until 10:15a for a time of teaching God’s Word. We use a three year teaching schedule that includes different books of the Bible and topics with the goal of teaching and equipping our students to live lives that reflect Jesus.
Wednesday Night Meetings
Our Wednesday meetings are a time for us to build relationships and spend time discussing how what we learned on Sunday applies to our lives.
We have various events throughout the year including. You can see a schedule of our events here.